#30dayswild June 17

I am taking part in #30dayswild which is a challenge set by the Wildlife Trust to get people outdoors doing something ‘wild’ each day throughout the month. It can be as simple as walking to work instead of taking the car, taking your kids for a nature walk after school, pressing flowers to make something crafty or joining in with a conservation event in your community.

You can download or request your pack from the Wildlife Trust website where there are also ideas of activities you can try.

As you will see from the rest of my blog content I do struggle with my mental health at times, I would encourage anyone suffering to seek help if possible and to take pleasure in any small step you can take towards being ‘wild’ in June -if you manage just one day only, it is better than no days wild. There may be days where I don’t achieve anything wild, but as long as I am trying as much as possible, that is the main thing. I hope to plan my days in advance as I always find it easier if I have a plan, for some though, being spontaneous may be more important.

If you do decide to take part in the challenge I wish you the best of luck, please follow my blog to get updates about what we have been up to from 1/6/17.